Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Pantry finished, Curtains and Plumbing!

Hey Y'all! I figured out how to change the theme of the blog. I think it looks cool!

So yesterday we "split up" again and Shanesta worked on the Pantry, organizing some of the food we brought up and making some curtains while I did the plumbing for the sink and shower. We decided to bring up a bunch of the dry and canned food we have since it needs to go in the bus anyways, so we filled the trunk. Everything fit pretty good in the pantry, we still have alot of room for more food, which is a good thing! The bottom has 4 "cases" of canned veggies, and 2 cases of different kinds of pasta (we are going to go fresh veggies and almost zero pasta once this is gone, but we aren't going to trash already bought food). The shelf above has 2- 1gallon buckets of un-refined, completely 100% natural Honey that we bought from Barb and Sam from our church (Thanks y'all, we love it!!!) with plenty of room left!
So here's our curtains Shanesta made, I like them because they are really thick material, so it will keep people from looking in at night and seeing us (even though we are posting all this publicly and will let anyone see our bus, I do like my privacy), as well as blocking either heat or cold from coming through. They slide completely closed on these windows and they look good too!
While she was doing all this in the nice warm bus with some tunes going, I was under the bus installing pipe where pipe was never meant to go, talk about fun! But, at least I can sit up for 90% of the job.... Shanesta and I decided to use a 35gallon water tank as our grey water tank. The tank used to be the drinking water holder in our house the 2yrs prior to us getting a well dug. It got a little bit nasty sitting out by the shed for the last year, so it is perfect! We used some 600lb working load/1200lb breaking strength ratchet straps to hold it in place until we can fab up some type of metal support (but we may just leave it if it works...). Here's what it looks like from under the side.... completely hidden unless you get down low, almost under the bus!

Here's what everything looks like from under the rear of the bus. Just off picture in the top-center of the picture is where the sink drain "T's" into the shower drain, and the metal-ish stuff is just some metal tape to hold things up until I put supports in today. We have a drain that we can hook up a regular hose to, to drain the tank (like what we used to fill pans or cups when it was in our house) Recycling/reusing at work! But, I'm kinda a pack-rat.... I don't like trashing major things that can be re-used for something else. This is the 3rd use this barrel is going through... some sort of food manufactures use, our drinking water, and now our grey water. If we have to replace it, it will probably be because it has a hole in it, but it's close enough to the wheels and centered, so it should be fine for a few years, it's wicked thick plastic.

Well that's all for today, we will post more either tonight or tomorrow morning. I think we are doing the pipe supports and maybe the shelf in our room, and finishing off cabinets, but I could be wrong. Tune in tomorrow!

God Bless and have a great joy-filled day!

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