Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 2019

Hey y’all!

Well God has definitely shown us where He wants us. Without a doubt. He wants us in Westport, WA.

The boys love the school, and have been involved with many different activities so far this year. TJ is an active weight lifter as well as being the starting JV offensive Lineman with a spot on the Varsity team next year. Lucas has progressed so much in reading, and now recognizes words fairly regularly, his teacher is a huge blessing, and has figured out the key to unlocking his brain! He also played PeeWee football part of the season, but decided to stop because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, which is understandable. He wants to try soccer next season, so that will be neat!

We have been given multiple opportunities to be active in our church, with me being one of the drummers on Sunday morning services ( another guy and I switch every-other week), and we have helped at several functions at church, including the Halloween Trunk-or-Treat. I had photos, but they seem to have disappeared......

So here’s the main reason behind this update. We are selling the bus. God's Grace Skoolie will no longer be ours. It will be having a new home in Phoenix,AZ. God has provided us a new home, being a Jayco travel trailer. It has a bunk house for the boys' room which give them the room two growing boys need. God has shown us that He wants us here, so we are acting on it. A more permanent home, but still with the ability to travel if He shows us to head out again in the future. Granted we have to sell the Subaru and Jeep to get a truck to pull the trailer, but that’s in the future, and God will provide that when we need it.

Ok, well I guess I’ll sign off for now, we’ve really loved traveling and meeting new people and seeing new places and spreading Gods love. Thank you everyone for reading our blog and following us through our travels. Please continue praying for us, that God continues to use us for His Will.

Praise the Lord!